Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions? We’re here to support you! Check out our FAQ below to find out everything you need to know before you take the leap.


Who are our clients?

Our clients are advanced English speakers who want to build confidence and be fluent in English. They might be optimists or realists, disciplined master planners or naturally disorganized beings that don’t enjoy studying but are working hard to become trained creatures of habit. They’re from all over the world, lead busy lives and all share two common goals: they want to improve their English and have committed to investing in themselves. They are highly motivated to do what it takes. They’ve made the sacrifice and have set aside time to better themselves and do what is necessary to achieve their goals and become the person they want to be. They’ve decided that they are worth it.

What do we offer?

We offer online English conversation classes in a positive, non-judgemental environment with English coaches who are native speakers and CELTA certified by the University of Cambridge. Our classes are 55 minutes long and are one-on-one. We’ll also send you notes after your English class that will include the errors you made while speaking with our corrections. This gives you the opportunity to learn from your mistakes and to be one step closer to achieving your English goals.


How will English conversation classes help me build confidence and speak English fluently?

We foster a positive, non-judgemental atmosphere so that you feel comfortable to speak English fluently, take risks and test those new phrases you’ve heard that native English speaker from work say. You’ll practice listening and speaking skills during your English conversation class which is the fastest way to increase your confidence, improve your conversational skills and become a fluent English speaker.

Our goal is for you to feel excited about the process of becoming fluent and to help you strengthen your confidence when you speak English so you can improve your English fluency faster. Attending English conversation classes frequently will lead to the language flowing naturally from you, as if second nature. You won’t worry about if what you said was grammatically correct or pause mid-conversation because you couldn’t remember what you were going to say. With time, your nervousness will disappear and it’ll be replaced with confidence. You’ll start to notice the results of your commitment because you’ll be transforming into your future self as your confidence grows and your English fluency increases.

English conversation classes with a native English speaker will also help you improve your pronunciation consciously and subconsciously. We’re trained to subtly provide pronunciation corrections during the conversation so that over time, you’ll begin to correct yourself automatically, often unknowingly. Through English conversation classes you’ll train your brain to push through the challenging moments and you’ll build the confidence you need to speak with any native English speaker. If you commit to yourself and put in the time, you won’t be disappointed with the results.

How long will it take me to feel confident and speak English fluently?

Truthfully, your time frame to success is completely up to you. First ask yourself: how do I define my success and what am I willing to sacrifice to get there? Then imagine what your life will be like when you are your future self and you’ve achieved your goals. Do you feel happier and more confident? Are the doors of opportunity constantly opening and leading to new adventures? Are you travelling the world and able to communicate with 90% of the people you meet because English is the common language spoken? Are you at the top of your professional game because you’re the only person at work who speaks English fluently? What you imagine for yourself is up to you, but we’re guessing it’s something along the lines of amazing.

When learning another language you get what you give. The more time you invest in yourself, the faster you’ll see results. As an advanced English speaker, you know that to excel requires commitment. Our general guideline is the more often you speak with native English speakers the better so that you can build confidence and train your brain to think in English. As David DeAngelo said, “Persistence is the price of success.” We believe that this ideal applies to all areas of our lives and we’re here to help you become your future self, a fluent English speaker who is beaming with confidence.

Why is it important to speak with a native English speaker instead of a person who speaks English, but whose native language isn’t English?

Have you ever heard people say, “Do it right the first time or put time aside to fix it later”? The same applies to when you learn English. Don’t get us wrong. You should speak English fluently in every opportunity presented to you, but when you choose an English coach, it really comes down to your goals. Do you want to speak English fluently with minimal errors? Do you want to perfect your pronunciation and sound like a native speaker? If you do, then speaking with a native English speaker is really important.

When we speak with others often, we tend to acquire their habits and tendencies whether we realize it or not. If you speak English with someone frequently who isn’t a native English speaker, you may absorb their grammatical and pronunciation errors and start to make them yourself.

It truly depends on how you envision yourself as an English speaker and the commitment you’re willing to make to yourself. When you imagine your future self speaking English fluently, do you blend in among the crowd of native speakers? Does your accent mirror that of a native English speaker? Do people think that English is your native language? If you want to speak English like a native English speaker then you’ve come to the right place. Rise English Group will help you achieve your goals and become fluent in English faster.

What’s the benefit of talking with an experienced English coach instead of talking to my friend who speaks English?

The short answer: It’s all about you. Friendships are wonderful, but they’re a balance of sharing, of give and take. We want you to speak English guilt free and not worry about being a good friend who gives back. Your English conversation class is all about you. Of course, there’s still a flowing two-way conversation, but we’re here to help you advance your goals, not dominate the conversation and tell you all about our priorities in life.

As experienced English coaches, we’re here to support you. We foster a conversation in which you feel comfortable to flourish. If you love to talk, we’re excellent listeners- and we’re here to be your sounding board. We’re excited to be your biggest cheerleader, to listen to your goals and to help you achieve them.

We’re also trained in helpful error correction methods: Restated Repetition Correction (RRC) and Delayed Correction (DC). RRC is when a learner makes an error when speaking and we repeat the statement back to them correctly. We do this casually when appropriate so as not to break the flow in the conversation and interrupt the speaker’s fluidity. We also offer DC when the time is right so that they can learn from our feedback and improve their English conversation skills immediately.


How long is my English conversation class?

English conversation classes are 55 minutes long.

Where will we meet for my English conversation class?

Our English conversation classes are held online. We’ll meet with you on Zoom via video call.

How do I join my English conversation class via Zoom?

You’ll need to download the free Zoom app on your computer or mobile device and sign up for a free account to attend your online English class. Please download the app and sign up for a free account before your scheduled meeting time.

Once we’ve confirmed your class time by email, we’ll send you a Zoom meeting invitation that will include the Meeting ID and a password that you’ll use to join your class at the scheduled time. When it’s time for your class, you can join the meeting by clicking the meeting link in the Zoom meeting invitation or by going to and entering in the Meeting ID and password.

To create your free Zoom account and download the app, please click here. You can also check out Zoom’s FAQ page here.

Does Rise English Group offer English grammar classes?

Since our focus is on helping our clients build confidence and speaking English fluently, we only offer English conversation classes.

Does Rise English Group offer group English conversation classes?

We believe that meaningful emotional connections are the key to learners thriving. Therefore we’re committed to a personalized approach and offer one-on-one English conversation classes only. This ensures that our English coaches only have one focus: you.

We work with our clients one-on-one so that the conversations are unique to their lives. This helps them to better memorize what they’ve learned because the conversations are related to their personal experiences.

Can I have a free trial session?

Absolutely! Send us an email and let us know that you’d like a free trial. We’ll schedule a free 20 minute meeting with you and afterwards you can decide if you’d like to become a confident English speaker and achieve your English fluency goals with Rise English Group.


How do I book my English conversation class with a CELTA certified English coach?

Reach out to us via email to schedule a meeting. We’ll set up a time to meet then send you a payment request. We require full payment in advance to reserve your class.

Once we’ve received your payment, we’ll email you to let you know that your English class has been scheduled and include a Zoom meeting invitation so you can join your class at the scheduled time.

What methods of payment and currencies do you accept?

We accept payment in CAD currency only via PayPal.

You can find us on PayPal using our email When sending payment for your class, please send the payment amount requested in CAD currency.

What is your cancellation policy?

If you cancel your class 24 hours before your class is set to begin, we’ll refund you 100% of your payment.

If you cancel your class or request to reschedule your class and give us less than 24 hours notice, we’ll refund you 50% of your payment. Refunds are processed using the method of payment (PayPal).

For example, if your class is scheduled to begin at 5:00 pm on May 2nd and you cancel at 5:00 pm on May 1st or before that time, we’ll refund you 100% of your payment.

If you cancel your class or request to reschedule your class at 5:30 pm on May 1st, you will be refunded 50% of your payment.

Do you have more questions? We’d love to hear from you!
Send us an email and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.